Monday, October 1, 2007

Sir Percy's Harem

Picture coming's battery is dead at the

Sir Percy is a lucky fish...he now lives with three Today I went to PETCO and was looking at the fish and the guy who works in the fish department asked me if he could help me. I didn't think you could have other fish with Betta's, and it seems I was wrong. You can have other fish in a tank with a Betta provided you observe a few rules....

{Oh and I learned how to "sex" fish, male from female.....ROFL. I asked the guy, "What do you do peek under a fin? Is that how you tell?" and apparently that is what you do....let's just say male fish have an "extra" tiny fin and leave it at}

1.) No other male fish. Seems male Betta fish can't get along with other male Betta's or for that matter, male fish of other species. No comment...hehe (and there is one I could make, but I'm behaving myself =P ).

2.) The female fish can't be the same color as the Betta they will be shacking up with. Seems male Betta's have boy hormone no comment. =)

3.) The other fish can't have large or flaring tails, they have to be short and narrow. Yeah....I not going to touch that one...but I could...ROFL.

So I got three Platy fish to keep Percy company. Two are yellow and redish and they are named Elenor of Aquitaine and Queen Elizabeth I. The other one is silver with sapphire polka dots starting in the middle and going to the tail, her name is Marie Antoinette. Marie, as it turns out, is 'special' She spends all of her time darting up and down the side of the tank and acting quite neurotic and mental. Maybe they make a liquid Thorazine for fish?

And what does Sir Percy think of his new tank mates? He checked them all out like any guy would and then spends his time strutting around the tank showing off his fins..../sigh, even male fish are He has not attacked the other fish, he just finds them interesting and behaves himself....for now. Now if I wake up in the middle of the night and he is playing mood music and inappropriately flaring his 'fin' then I've got problems. Nobody is getting sex in my house if I don't have a 'friend' to have some with!!!!! =P Yeah like that will happen any time soon.

Sir Percy seems to like Marie Antoinette the most, he follows her around a bit and stares at her a lot, don't know what the attraction is....maybe he just likes high strung women?

I also got Percy and his harem a new tank and he seems to like this one a lot better than the old one. He just sat in the corner of the old one or behind the filter and did nothing. In this one he swims around and seems much happier.

1 comment:

Angie said...

I can't wait to see the pics of your new friends. It sure is good to see you post an update (like I should talk).
