I went on a little mini vacation this past weekend to LA to go to a friends wedding and have some fun. The wedding was pretty and tasteful and optimistic that the two in question will be happy, at least till what married really means and they look at each over corn flakes in the morning and argue about leaving the toilet seat up or down for the 500th time.
After the wedding my mom and I hit the town for a few days to have fun, and one of the places we went was downtown to the museum complex. In one building, many of Dan Flavin's art pieces were displayed, which is all modern and have to say not eyebrow raising. Flavin's art comprises of light bulbs and florecent light tubes....lol. I love art and I'm very open minded but I'm not a huge fan of Modern Art and found his pieces more amusing for their titles than their supposed artistic merit. The instillation above is entitled "To My Dear Bitch Arily." At the time when we were walking around I found this highly amusing considering most of his work is entitled "untitled." Ok I understand coming up with a title for for light bulbs coming out of the wall is to say the least challenging but come on it does not take that much effort to come up with something to call it. Seriously, the instillation was like three floors of light bulbs...my mom and I were scratching our heads thinking what the hell is this...how is this art and how and why does it merit three entire floors of a building? I was glad that was not the only building our entry fee got us into, at least in the other buildings I got to see a bunch of Rembrants, Monets, Renoir, ect...that is what I call art!
So back to the Bitch Arily....Having no idea what the artist was about or his work I just assumed some woman broke his heart and he was miffed at her for making him 'blue' and titled the work accordingly. What an idiot I was! It was only till I got home did I find out in a Google search that he was very fond of his female Golden Retriever when he was alive. I'm not quite sure how a hall with blue light tubes inspired him to think about a tribute to his dog but then I was inspired to knit my cat a scarf so who am I to talk =P
I think I will cover a wad of ABC gum with lint and title it "I love you," I'm sure I can score a floor with that in some museum.....but I might have to die tragic before my genius is discovered...so if you ever see my gum next time you go to a museum you can say..."I knew Jamie in her early art years..." =P
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